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Platelet-rich plasma


Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) contains growth factors that are crucial in regenerative therapy.
It not only reduces tissue inflammation but also promotes faster tissue recovery and lowers pain levels, thereby accelerating many recovery processes.

What is platelet-rich plasma?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a regenerative medicine treatment that has gained significant traction in recent years. This autologous preparation relies on the controlled release of cellular signals from platelets to accelerate and optimise the repair of damaged tissue.

Our blood contains red blood cells, which carry oxygen from the lungs to all body tissues, and platelets, which are involved in clotting and wound healing. These platelets, and to a lesser extent serum, contain proteins called growth factors that trigger a signalling cascade in response to injury.

The body naturally heals and regenerates after injury, whether traumatic or due to disease. This regenerative ability allows us to heal scars, corneal ulcers, fractures, and the endothelium (the inner layer of our blood vessels). However, this capacity can be slowed by ageing, injury, or disease, leading to degenerative processes and osteoarthritis. PRP treatment stimulates or accelerates the tissue’s regenerative capacity.

There are different types of PRP with varying efficacy. The key factor is the method of plasma extraction, as different processes yield different types of plasma, each with distinct capabilities and effectiveness.

How is platelet-rich plasma applied?

There are currently two ways to use platelet-rich plasma. The first is in consultation, often combined with physiotherapy and/or rehabilitation if necessary. The second is in the operating theatre, where PRP is used as an adjunct to surgery.

Dr. Cugat and the multidisciplinary research team at the García Cugat Foundation have conducted various studies on tissues such as cartilage, tendons, ligaments, and joints (including the knee, ankle, hip, and shoulder), as well as skin. These studies have resulted in several doctoral theses and have been published in high-impact scientific journals.

As a result of many of these studies, Dr Cugat and his research team have developed human clinical trials to evaluate the efficacy of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in the treatment of knee conditions, particularly cartilage injuries that can lead to osteoarthritis, and in the reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). These conditions are particularly prevalent in elite international athletes.

What precautions should you take with platelet-rich plasma?

Before using platelet-rich plasma, it is important to inform your doctor or specialist if you have any diseases, are experiencing an infectious process, or are taking anticoagulants.

These treatments follow a meticulous collection system that ensures sterility, as they are conducted in the sterile areas of Quirónsalud Hospital in Barcelona. This system also allows for traceability from the patient’s collection to their application, whether on an outpatient basis or in the operating theatre during arthroscopy or open surgery.

  • Active infectious processes (e.g., urinary, oral, ear infections)

  • Current or previous neoplastic processes

  • Diabetes

  • Skin conditions in the area to be treated

  • Hyperuricaemia (gout)

  • Taking anticoagulants or antiplatelet agents

Steps to take before applying platelet-rich plasma:

Once you have decided to undergo PRP treatment, it is important to review your medical history and current health status. Additionally, you should fast for 4 hours before the blood collection.

What should I know about platelet-rich plasma?

It is important to note that the infiltration process is not painful. However, some swelling may occur for 24 to 48 hours after the treatment. On the first day, it is crucial to apply ice to the area for 5-10 minutes every 2-3 hours. Avoid taking aspirin, ibuprofen, or diclofenac on the day of the procedure, and refrain from exercising for 24-48 hours afterwards.

Several surgeries have been enhanced with the use of PRP, as it has been shown to reduce tissue inflammation and accelerate the recovery of treated tissues. Reduced pain and faster regeneration accelerate recovery processes for many patients, benefiting not only athletes, who clearly need it, but also the general population, who enjoy greater comfort and reduced medication use.

If you experience any pain, you can take paracetamol or metamizol, and always consult the medical staff at Instituto Cugat if you have any concerns.

The Regenerative Medicine Unit at Instituto Cugat is a forerunner in the application of platelet-rich plasma.

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