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Dr. Cugat and his multidisciplinary team at the García Cugat Foundation are conducting several studies to evaluate the regenerative potential of bone marrow in knee and hip joint pathologies. These studies focus on adipose tissue-derived stem cells and bone marrow stem cells.

Adipose Tissue-Derived Stem Cells

In the early 2000s, Zhu et al discovered that adipose tissue contains mesenchymal cells and other regenerative cells effective in healing various conditions, such as tendon and muscle injuries, acute myocardial infarction, chronic heart ischemia, fistulas, breast reconstruction, and Parry Romberg’s syndrome.

Consequently, in 2013, Dr. Cugat’s team began studying the use of stem cells derived from adipose tissue, focusing on their application to enhance the healing of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) surgeries and meniscal injury surgeries. The goal was not only to expedite patient recovery but also to achieve better healing outcomes.

This approach aims to reduce potential degeneration of the meniscus and cartilage, thereby preventing the onset of osteoarthritis and the future need for prostheses. Regarding the mechanisms of action of adipose-derived stem cells, experiments have shown that these cells remain at the injury site and do not migrate to other organs, a mechanism known as “Home to Injury.”

Studies have also demonstrated their ability to reduce apoptosis (programmed cell death) in adjacent tissues. They modulate inflammation and enhance vascularisation by secreting growth factors, always responding to the context in which they are found. This process improves lesion healing and allows the injured and treated tissue to regenerate.

Bone Marrow Stem Cells

Bone marrow is a semi-liquid tissue found inside long bones, vertebrae, ribs, sternum, skull bones, shoulder girdle, and pelvis. Commonly referred to as marrow, this tissue contains living cells essential for the body’s functioning and maintenance.

Throughout our lives, bone marrow generates blood cells such as platelets, red blood cells, and immune system cells, thanks to the presence of blood stem (progenitor) cells in the marrow.

Additionally, bone marrow contains mesenchymal cells, progenitor cells of the osteoarticular system, which are crucial for the formation of tissues like bone and cartilage.

International research

Intense international research is currently underway to understand and harness the biological qualities of these cells for the clinical repair of bone and cartilage injuries. However, there are still doubts within the scientific community about whether mesenchymal progenitor cells, while necessary, are sufficient on their own to repair or regenerate tissues.

In this context, therapeutic approaches have been developed to utilise our body’s natural regenerative potential. These approaches involve using bone marrow and its entire cellular content, including both progenitor and mature cells, during surgical interventions to facilitate and accelerate tissue repair.
On a table with several other tubes, hands can be seen handling a test tube with blood in it.

Bone marrow regenerative potential

In addition to standard surgical treatment, the procedure at Instituto Cugat involves aspirating bone marrow to obtain and concentrate cells that actively participate in the repair of osteoarticular tissue. This process results in a concentrate of bone marrow stem cells, which is then applied to the injury sites.

The Knee Unit at Instituto Cugat conducts more than 300 knee arthroscopies a year.

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